
Like many women, I found myself struggling to LOVE my life. Nothing was extremely wrong; I have a loving and supportive relationship, and strong friendships, I live in a city I adore (Atlanta), and I’m in the habit of creating on a regular basis.

I had an AHA! Moment, when I realized the biggest miss in my life, was my career. I enjoyed my day to day, but never woke up ecstatic to start my day and get to work. This was a real problem for me. I was lacking passion and purpose in an area that takes up a large amount of time in my life!

Knowing the things that I value in life (connection w/ others, curiosity, learning & happiness), I knew I had to make a change.

I asked myself: What days do I leave work feeling like that day was a momentous day?

This introspective exercise led me to realize that I most enjoy days when I get to connect with someone one on one. When someone would seek me out asking for help. When someone would stop me to tell me that something I said, had made a difference for them.

I enrolled in iPEC (one of the leading ICF certified coach training programs) the next week.

Finding my passion for living a life of purpose has inspired and motivated me to help others do the same. Whether it’s working on cultivating meaningful friendships, finding inspiration for creativity, or connecting to your life purpose that can help guide you to your dream career, and an abundant life…

I want to help you achieve what you desire in life.

If you enjoy vibrant personalities that combine humor, passion, dedication and creativity, I am almost 110% sure that I am the coach for you.