At Ebb & Flourish we aim to combine the joys of learning and creativity with the fun and interactivity of team building. Using our creativity together we review the ideas, behaviors and elements of your everyday work life and address them in a fun and impactful way. With a decade of experience in learning and development, we work from our knowledge on topics like public speaking, feedback, conflict, accountability, decision making, goal setting, and career growth, (to name a few) in creating your desired session. After an initial exploratory call, we’ll take the time to craft a session based on your specific needs. Below you’ll find four examples of what we offer.
“Creative thinking is not a talent, it is a skill that can be learned. It empowers people by adding strength to their natural abilities which improves teamwork, productivity and, where appropriate, profits.
Learn about the change process and the impact it has on our judgment and actions
Discover ways to build our resilience, allowing positive impacts on how we process change
Explore the benefits creativity can have on our decision making, change management, and problem-solving skills
Construct a physical representation of how we will manage change going forward
Change in the workplace is not only cumbersome - it also can lead to change fatigue within any organization. This leads to burn out, heightened emotions, and difficulty handling conflict or solving problems. In this session, we discuss how we process change; we look at ways to build our resilience individually and as a group. Finally, we review the benefits of creativity, and learn how practicing creativity can have a positive impact in our daily lives (especially when it comes to how we process change). This session culminates in a team creativity challenge. As with any of our sessions, the activity can be adjusted due to time and location.
Discuss communication norms
Discover ways to effectively communicate (can be adjusted to fit the topics of feedback, accountability, conflict, team decision making, etc.)
Explore the benefits of creativity as it relates to communication
Compose a physical representation of how team will communicate going forward
In this session, we discuss communication regarding your desired focus (general communication styles, delivering/ receiving feedback, accountability, conflict resolution, or team decision making), and create team norms according to all participants in the session. As a group, we will learn how creativity can impact our ability to hold more meaningful conversations. During this session we work together to decide on a word or phrase that will represent the team’s commitment to communication efforts going forward. This session culminates in a team creativity challenge using the team’s communication word or phrase. As with any of our sessions, the activity can be adjusted due to time and location.
Summarize current goals as a team (or individual), and review alternative methods to assess and create goals
Discover the benefits of vision crafting and the impact it can have on success for our work, personal, and career aspirations
Work to create a clear vision on our goals
Design a vision image to guide efforts moving forward
In this session, we will conduct a couple of exploratory exercises that will help the team gain clarity within themselves as well as within the team. We will work together to flex our creative muscles to create a vision board. This session can be delivered with the focus either on the individual or a team. The former focused on individual growth, and building team trust, and the latter addressing the work the team plans to accomplish in the coming months/ year. This session culminates with a vision board challenge. As with any of our sessions, the activity can be adjusted due to time and location.
Pricing structure:
3 hour session for up to 30 participants: $1400
For additional participants, time, or topics, pricing will be adjusted.
Please email for booking.