Perhaps you are overwhelmed by your options, bogged down by self-doubt, or just unable to decide on your next step that will move you in the right direction. If a voice deep inside won't let this idea leave you, I hope you'll consider gardening. "Wait, what? GARDENING? The answer to all my life's desires is gardening?!"

OK, not quite. But it's a lovely analogy, so stick with me here.

At some point, by someone or something, somehow a seed was planted in your mind that what you want in life is too hard, not possible, only available for a select few, or just plain crazy. Well, I'd like to take a moment to plant a new seed for you:

You are capable, smart, talented, and courageous enough to tackle whatever is standing in your way and cultivate the things in life that you've been dreaming of. In the case you were hoping for cliche saying, here you go: only YOU can make your dreams a reality. 

Do you believe me? Not yet? You will, I promise.

As any green-thumb would know, seeds need a few things to grow to their full potential, and this one is no different. Instead of sunshine it needs positivity. Instead of soil it needs encouragement and a strong network of supporters. Instead of water it needs actions. Actions to move it (you) forward, one day at a time, until it's flourished to full potential.

This seed is now in your hands, how you nourish it is up to you. Put your gloves on, grab your hat, pick up that watering can - and let's get to work!

Introduction Coaching


4 sessions, a total of 4.5 hours.

Are you new to the concept of coaching, and curious if it's right for you? Or are you a seasoned client only looking for help to get you through a brief, challenging patch of life? The Introduction Package may be the package for you. With this package, you get a total of 4 sessions, lasting one month. All sessions will be 100% focused on the topics of your choosing, with emphasis on accomplishing what YOU want to accomplish. You’ll also gain access to my knowledge in: personal values, managing your time, living with a growth mindset, relationship management, personality styles, decision making, resilience.

Traditional Coaching


9 sessions, a total of 9.5 hours.

Whether you are new to coaching or a well-versed coaching fanatic, this package is the perfect package to bring positive change to your life!.  Not only will you gain access to the same knowledge above, but with our extra sessions together, we are sure to get you well on the way to creating the life you want. 

 I always aim to be a supportive and encouraging confidant, but I also flex my accountability muscles to keep you moving in the direction you intend. I chose 9 weeks for this package, as it’s known to have the highest level of impact for clients. I want you to succeed in whatever goals you set for yourself, don’t you? 

It’s recommended we meet weekly, however life happens and it’s likely you will need to reschedule at least once. This package can last anywhere from 9 to 16 weeks giving you the time and support you need to move mountains. 

In addition to sessions focused solely on you and your needs, you’ll also gain access to my knowledge in: personal values, managing your time, living with a growth mindset, relationship management, personality styles, decision making, resilience.