What is a life coach, and why should I use one?   

The ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as the partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. 

Basically, a coach aims to help others achieve their goals, while helping you be your best self. 


What makes life coaching different from therapy? 

A therapist's main purpose is to heal, and often move clients from a state of dysfunction to function. This requires some amount of being focused on the past, to fix the present and future. 

A life coach's purpose is to encourage our clients and move them from functional to optimal. Through coaching, you'll set goals, and improve skill sets. 


But, can't I just talk to my best friends? 

If you are lucky enough to have strong friendships, you can and you should! But also, don't cheat yourself from the benefits of a life coach. I am a firm believer in the importance of having a strong support network/ friend circle, however that support can only go so far when it comes to helping you create actual improvements in your life. A coach has tools that'll help you move from venting about life's stresses, to being one of the most productive people you know!