A Confession

A Confession: 

I weep during movies. 

Well, not ALL movies. Really just those movies where someone overcomes all odds and achieves their dreams. You know the ones…I’m pretty sure “Rudy” leads the pack. I’ve done this for as long as I can remember, but it still makes me feel sappy or cliché at times (what’s so bad about being cliché, anyways? Especially if it gives you all the feels!). I’ve come to embrace this fact about myself and carry it with pride.

I have embraced this so whole-heartedly in fact, that it led me to begin this adventure of becoming a life coach! I’ve taken on the goal of helping others achieve that “want it with my whole heart, can’t have it any other way, I’m willing to work my fingers to the bone until I achieve it” purpose in life. Put more simply, I am here to help others achieve the life they’ve always dreamed of. 

Phew- that was long winded. And an overwhelming goal to say the least! 

I realized that my habit of crying over emotional movies, was more than just a sappy behavior. I was crying about how BIG of an impact I wanted to have. How BADLY I wanted to live my dreams, and for others to do the same.

I’m excited to get started, not only because I’ll get to personally have a hand in creating my most favorite, sappy, inspiring, emotional movies of all time…but I’ll get to watch that movie over and over, with REAL lives. REAL people. REAL women. 

What gets you going? What inspires you? What big dream do you have for yourself, that you won’t admit to even yourself, let alone, others? 

P.S. My #1 weepiest movie? It’s a Wonderful Life. Every.Damn.time.  What’s yours?