Corporate to Creativity

After many tears, fears, and inner turmoil - I have made the decision to step away from the corporate world (my perceived net of safety), and fully commit to my venture of a self- sustaining career in creative works and coaching. I’m going to assume I am not alone here in being on a current career path that was sold to me as what “success” looks like as I grew up, but unfortunately is feeling anything but currently. Now as much as I wish I were the type to just walk in and quit (I have technically done this before- but I was MUCH younger), I'm not. 

I faced some inner turmoil wanting to be spontaneous and gutsy but also wanting to be true to my own values - be logical and responsible - Ultimately I recognized my responsibilities and determined I would make a plan and do it right. 

I fully expect to have MANY emotions that pop up, that go away and then come back. Emotions that hold me back, knock me down, build me up and everything in between. 

My goal: 

-Live a life full of creativity, community, and connection to others (coaching) - and be able to pay bills doing so. 

-Leave my corporate job by my 35th birthday (May 7th, 2020)  - Perfect time to start a new chapter in my life!

-Spend the coming months at my day job trying new things, while bringing creativity and excitement to my assignments. (Who doesn’t want to end an 11 year career commitment on a high note?)

-Spend the coming months busting my butt making all.the.things.

-Making items to sell (create create create)

-Making a sturdy foundation for my business

-Making myself known in the creative community in Atlanta

-Making myself known in the coaching community in Georgia

-Making my network of peers in the above communities and beyond 

Feel free to join me on this journey. A journey I’ve wanted to take for quite some time but have held myself back. A journey I hear many others hope to take someday for themselves. Here’s hoping that at the end of all this - I have found my way, and will be better able to help others do the same for themselves.
